
  • Jean-Michel Camus
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Jean-Michel Camus
    Jean-Michel CAMUS, the founder of the firm in 1994, has been a lawyer since Dec 21st 1989, when he took the oath. He graduated with a master degree in pri...
  • Jean-Michel Camus
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Jean-Michel Camus
    Maître Jean-Michel CAMUS ejerce la profesión de abogado desde el 21 de diciembre de 1989, fecha de su prestación de juramento. Es también el socio fundado...
  • Jean-Michel Camus
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Jean-Michel Camus
    Maître Jean-Michel CAMUS exerce la profession d'avocat depuis le 21 décembre 1989, date de sa prestation de serment. Il est par ailleurs l'associé fondate...
  • Carine Pinaud
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Carine Pinaud
    Carine PINAUD has been a lawyer since December 2004, when she took the oath. She has been a partner of LEGALCY lawyers-counsels since January 1st 2014....
  • Carine Pinaud
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Carine Pinaud
    Maître Carine PINAUD es abogado desde diciembre de 2004, Socio de Legalcy, abogados-asesores desde el 1 de enero de 2014. Es titular de un DEA de Derec...
  • Laurence Camus
    Published on : 25/09/2014 25 September Sep 09 2014
    2014 / Septembre
    Laurence Camus
    Laurence CAMUS has a bachelor degree in law from BORDEAUX law school, after being admitted to a "Classe Préparatoire" in litterature. She is a jurist at L...
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