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Estate law

Estate law

Published on : 22/09/2014 22 September Sep 09 2014

In Estate law, the LEGALCY lawyer counsels' lawyers will assist you responsively and efficiently.

Splitting legal and contractual partnership law

Jean-Michel CAMUS will assist you in partnership law areas such as :

- Splitting litigation
- Preferential awarding, advance on share...

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Contracts and liabilities law

Jean-Michel CAMUS advise you in contracts and liabilities law areas such as :

- Preparation, non performance, compensation, cancelation and liability
- Registration of security mortgages

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Real estate and builing law

Jean-Michel CAMUS assist you in real estate and building law areas such as :

- Real estate seizure proceeding
- Contract of lease litigation
- Buildor's garanties,
- Acceptance of work, defects and liabilities, insurances claims,

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Private individual insolvency law

Jean-Michel CAMUS advise you in private individual insolvency law areas such as :

- Insolvency proceeding
- Private individual compulsary liquidation : set up, litigation and proposed measures

Contact us


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    In Estate law, the LEGALCY lawyer counsels' lawyers will assist you responsively and efficiently. Splitting legal and contractual partnership law Jean-Mich...
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