Successive temporary contracts: risk of sanction in case of non-respect of the Labour Law

Published on : 07/07/2015 07 July Jul 07 2015

Labour Law

Source: Supreme Court – Social Chamber, June 3rd 2015, n° 14-17.705

With the summer, come "summer jobs"... Contracts of work concluded for this period do not escape from labour law. If these fixed-term contracts are justified due to their seasonal nature, however some contracts can be precarious, such as temporary contracts, which can be the object of requalification into a fixed-term contract by labour jurisdictions.

Therefore, the same as the fixed-term contract, to be valid, the mission given to an employee as part of a temporary contract, must be justified by the same way as the fixed-term contract (substituting an absent employee, temporary increased activity, seasonal employment... cf articles L.1251-5 and L.1251-6 of the Labour Law).

The Social Chamber of the Supreme Court has reminded that the companies who establish several successive contracts with the same employee for different missions (substituting an absent employee, or face an increase of the activity) cannot use this type of contract to be able to fill a specific job related to the normal and permanent activity of the company.

With no respect of this rule, the contract can be renamed as an undefined-term contract.


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