Foreigners and nationality law
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Jean-Michel Camus assist you in foreigners and nationality law areas such as :
- Residence permit's claim
- Escalation claim about a residence permit
- Litigation about a visa refusal
- Litigation about nationality
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Foreigners and nationality law
Published on : 09/09/2014 09 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreJean-Michel Camus assist you in foreigners and nationality law areas such as : Residence permit's claim Escalation claim about a residence permit Lit...
Actualidades del gabinete legalcy abogados-asesores
Published on : 08/09/2014 08 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreLA SCP CAMUS se convierte en LEGALCY Abogados-asesores Nuestro gabinete cambia de nombre: la SCP CAMUS, abogados se convierte en LEGALCY Abogados-aseso...
La Firma
Published on : 08/09/2014 08 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreSomos : √ Presentes desde 1989, √ Cuatro abogados y un jurista, √ Internacional en el alma, la cultura y nuestros métodos, √ Orientados hacia nuestros cl...
Actualités du cabinet Legalcy Avocats Conseils
Published on : 08/09/2014 08 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreÀ compter du 1er AOUT 2016, en application de la loi du 6 août 2015, dite loi MACRON, nous sommes heureux de vous informer que LEGALCY AVOCATS-CONSEILS pourr...
Le Cabinet
Published on : 08/09/2014 08 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreLe cabinet Legalcy Avocats Conseils est installé dans le cœur d'Angoulême. Nous sommes : √ Présents depuis 1989, √ Cinq avocats et deux juristes, √ Inter...
The Firm
Published on : 08/09/2014 08 September Sep 09 201420142014 / SeptembreWe are : √ Established since 1989, √ Five lawyers and two jurists √ International in our soul, culture and methods, √ Focused on our French and foreign c...